Sunday, August 23, 2009



Breathing fresh air. Cuddling with a loved one. Laughing at a funny joke.

We all need to find a few moments each day, a few days each month and a few weeks each year to refresh & rejuvenate ourselves.

The stress of our daily grind can wear us out unless we take the time to step away occasionally and re-energize our body, mind & spirit.

Of course, our intention with All About You! Wellness BootCamp is to create a fun and supportive environment for you to rejuvenate yourself each day with 60-90 minutes of exercise. We also encourage you to refresh your body daily with healthy food, clean water & adequate sleep.

But, we know that sometimes we need more to recharge our batteries. Here are some of the things we like to do to refresh ourselves:

  • Call a good friend who lives far away.
  • Invite friends over for a "game night" (chess, cards, charades, board games, etc.)
  • Take a day trip to the beach or the mountains.
  • Visit an elderly relative or friend and have them tell you stories about their youth.
  • Meditate or pray.
  • Write poetry, or write your thoughts in a journal.
  • Read a good novel or book of poetry
  • Take a vacation to a place you've never visited.
Now it's your turn. Share some of your ideas about what we can do to refresh ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. Do something for someone less fortunate.

    Sandy G.
