Friday, October 21, 2011


Did you know that close to 90% of people who lose weight on a "diet" gain it back within a year?! And, eventually many of those people will "go on another diet" only to lose & regain yet again!

This is not only frustrating, but unhealthy as well. So what can you do to stop the cycle of yo-yo dieting to finally lose weight and keep it off for good?

The key is to think of your diet as a lifestyle, not an event.

Many people "go on a diet" because they want to lose weight for a specific reason or event. But often, when we are "on a diet" we are not practicing eating habits that we can sustain over a long period of time.

On most diets, we eat food that we may not really enjoy, or that we don't find satisfying. At the same time we're often depriving ourselves of whole categories of food (like carbohydrates or fats) that may actually be healthy if eaten in moderation.

If you are really determined, you may be able to stick with your diet until you reach your goal...but can you eat this way for the rest of your life? For almost everyone, the answer is no.

If you want to achieve
and maintain a healthy weight for the rest of your life, it is essential that you find a nutrition plan (not a diet) that works for YOU. You need to incorporate a wide variety of healthful foods in the right portions in order to get the correct number of calories for your body and all the nutrients you need.

If you are having a difficult time doing this on your own, we have tools to help you.

1. Use our AAY! Online Nutrition Program.
The program will calculate not only your correct calorie range, but also ALL your nutrient needs (including vitamins, minerals, fats, carbs, protein, sodium, Omega 3s and more).

We recommend that you work mostly within the
"Find A Meal Plan" function. You can browse a variety of meal plans in your proper calorie & nutrient range and then select the ones that are closest to your food preferences.

If you haven't used our Online Nutrition Program yet, click here to watch the demo.
Then, if you'd like a one-week trial, just let us know and we'll email you a personal access code. (The cost is only $10 per month if you choose to continue using it after your trial week.)

2. One-on-One Nutrition Consultations
If Online Nutrition Tracking seems like too much time & work for you, allow us to help you establish good eating habits and personalized meal plans based on your needs, your preferences and your lifestyle.

You can purchase a one-on-one Nutrition Consultation with our nutritionist Narina. She will review your current eating habits, discuss any obstacles you may be experiencing and then help you develop a nutrition plan that will work for you.

Call or email Narina to set up an appointment, and then go to the
Prices Page of our website to purchase your session.

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