Friday, June 15, 2012

Tips for Cutting Back on Caffeine

Drinking one cup of coffee, black tea or green tea in the morning is fine. However, we advise against drinking multiple cups of caffeinated beverages throughout the day. 

Here's why:
1. Caffeine raises cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone & can lead to fat storage.

2. Caffeine causes an energy spike and then crash, which can make you crave sugar & other carbs.

3. Caffeine is a stimulant and can disrupt your sleep, causing you to feel more fatigued. This creates a vicious cycle as you reach for more & more caffeine to counteract the fatigue.

Here are some great tips to help you transition away from caffeine:

1. If you drink multiple cups of coffee throughout the day, cut down slowly. Have your morning cup as usual, but then try replacing the rest of your coffee with green tea, herbal tea, or iced water.

2. Try green tea. Green tea has many health benefits and has about a third of the caffeine that coffee has. An 8-oz cup of coffee contains about 100 mg of caffeine, while green tea has 20-30 mg, oolong tea has 25-35 mg and black tea has 40-50 mg.

3. Try some delicious caffeine-free herbal teas. There are so many delicious options to choose from: Vanilla Hazelnut, Mint and Chamomile to name a few. Add a splash of nonfat milk or almond milk to make it a treat.

4. Stay away from fancy, high-calorie coffee drinks. If you really want the caffeine, have a plain coffee and add a dash of nonfat or almond milk. Avoid added syrups, sugar, whipped cream, caramel, chocolate, etc. If you really want a latte, request nonfat milk.

5. And most importantly, honor your body by making sleep a priority. Get the rest your body needs and deserves and it will be much easier to cut out caffeine.

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