Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Survive the Holidays: At Home & the Office

The holiday season is full of obstacles at both home and work that can easily derail your good eating habits & best intentions.

But with the right strategies, you can enjoy the company of your colleagues, friends and family without abandoning your commitment to good nutrition. 

Here are some good strategies to help you stay on track at work & home:


1. Prepare your lunch & snacks at home the night before and bring them to the office. Be sure to include plenty of fruit, which will reduce your sweet tooth.

2. Fill up your water bottles the night before, so that you'll have plenty of water with you throughout the day. Staying hydrated will help reduce cravings.

3. The snacks you bring from home should include some healthy "treats" so that when others are passing around cookies & chocolates, you will have your own delicious but healthier alternative.

4. Encourage your colleagues to agree on some "guidelines" for treats in the office. For example, treats are allowed into the office only on Fridays.

5. Move more. Eat your lunch at your desk and then go for a walk or run. Not only will you be burning more calories, but you'll also be taking yourself out of the tempting environment.

6. Control your stress level. Stress increases your cravings.


1. Don't keep tempting foods in the house. If others give you chocolates, cookies or cakes, give them away to someone else.

2. If the party is at your house, send all the leftovers home with your guests.

3. Be very aware of why you are eating. Is it because you are hungry? Or are you sad, excited, stressed, lonely? Holidays & get-togethers can lead to an unusual amount of emotional eating. Focus on dealing with your emotions in ways other than through food.

4. Forgive yourself! If you do slip up, recognize the slip for what it is. Quickly move on to the lesson learned & allow yourself to get back to your healthy eating habits right away.

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