Saturday, September 8, 2012


Guess what the biggest complaints are when people start increasing the amount of fiber they eat? You guessed it: indigestion, gas and bloating!

The good news is that you can prevent much of that discomfort with these
digestion-enhancing tips (and as an added benefit, most of these tips will also aid in weight loss!):

1. Chew, Chew, Chew
Take small bites and focus on chewing each bite thoroughly. Using smaller cutlery will help you take smaller bites. Digestion begins in the mouth and chewing thoroughly allows amylase, the digestive enzyme present in saliva, to begin the digestion process.

2. Slow Down
When you eat too quickly, you swallow air with your food. Take a few deep breaths and relax before taking your first bite. Practice putting your fork down between bites. You might even try eating with chopsticks, which will probably force you to slow down.

3. Drink Plenty of Water
Insufficient water intake is a primary cause of constipation. Constipation then causes an imbalance in bacteria, promotes inflammation of the intestinal lining, and can even lead to the absorption of larger molecules, a condition known as intestinal permeability.

4. Practice Mindful Eating
• Savor every bite, enjoying the flavors, textures, and smells of your meal.
• Create a beautiful atmosphere - dim the lights, play music, light candles, and put a vase of fresh flowers on the table.

5. Increase Good Gut Bacteria
Not all bacteria is bad. There are over 400 different kinds of bacteria and yeasts in the digestive system. Of these, the bacteria Lactobacillus acidophillus and Bifidobacterium bifidum are considered good "probiotic" bacteria because they can help to maintain intestinal health. Yogurt, kefir and some cottage cheese products contain probiotics. Check the ingredients.

6. Get a move on!
Exercise helps gas pass through the digestive tract quicker, so you feel better faster. Be sure to get your daily dose of AAY! BootCamp!

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