Friday, March 1, 2013

Simple Tips for Portion Control

As you know, portions in our society have gotten out of control!

Most meals at restaurants are 2-3 times larger than a proper serving size. Our eyes (and stomachs) have become so familiar with super-sized portions that a normal serving now seems skimpy. We need to re-educate ourselves about how big a proper portion is....and then we need to re-learn how to be satisfied with normal portions.

To see how portions have grown over the years, check out this slide show.

Here's a quick chart to help you visualize what a proper serving size should look like:

Now that you have a good idea of what portion sizes should look like, here are some strategies to help you keep your portions under control.

Avoid super-sized packages. It's best to purchase small, single-serving packages OR when that's not possible, take out a specific serving from the larger package and then put the package away.

Eat from smaller dishes. Serve from smaller serving platters or bowls, and then dish the food onto small plates or bowls. Using smaller utensils also helps.

When eating out: 
  • Request smaller, appetizer-sized servings or half portion entrees. 
  • If you get a full serving, share it with a friend or request a to-go box with the meal. When the meal arrives, immediately put half in the box and set it aside.
  • Choose non-buffet style dining when you can. If you have to eat at a buffet, scan everything first & then choose just your favorite two or three dishes to enjoy.
  • Quench your thirst with non-caloric beverages, preferably water.
4. If you've very hungry, fill up with raw veggies before indulging in higher-calorie treats.

Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day to prevent false hunger pangs.

BE AWARE! We often eat too much because we eat mindlessly. Be aware of everything you put in your mouth: every mint, every spoonful that you taste while cooking, everything you eat while watching tv or when out with a group of friends. As long as you stay aware, you can stay in control and limit your portions.

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