Thursday, December 12, 2013

Improve Your Eating Habits in 12 Weeks

Improve your eating habits with the AAY! Nutrition Program. Whether you are looking to lose weight, improve your energy, expand your repertoire of healthy meals & snacks, or simply learn how to structure your eating habits for optimal health, you will get all the support, information and accountability you need with this program.

The next 12-week session begins on Saturday, January 11.

Here's what it involves:
  • Detailed, individualized meal plans based on the number of calories you need to consume for weight loss. All menus are nutritionally balanced & are designed by Nutritionist Narina Minassian. The recipes are tasty, varied & simple to prepare.
  • Grocery Shopping Made Easy: You will receive weekly grocery shopping lists and we will send you photos of any items you're not familiar with.
  • Close Supervision & Accountability: You will check in with us each week to weigh in & discuss your progress.
  • Extra Support & Guidance: Every other week we will meet with all participants to preview upcoming menus, discuss obstacles and strategize solutions.
  • Skills for Long-term Success: We will teach you to design your own meal plans & help you develop the skills and confidence to maintain healthy eating habits throughout your life.
We accept only a few, extremely committed individuals into this program. If you believe you have the commitment and dedication to adhere to this 12-week program, then click here to fill out the application. We will be making our selections soon, so don't delay!

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