Saturday, February 6, 2010

WEIGHT LOSS FORUM: Overcoming Temptation!

It's not just about willpower. It's not a matter of being too weak. It's all about creating a plan so that you put yourself in situations that lead to success.

Here are some good tips to incorporate into your plan:

1. Eat frequent small meals and snacks throughout the day. The more satisfied you are, the less likely you'll be to turn to unhealthy foods.

2. Drink at least 8 cups of water per day. Staying properly hydrated keeps your energy up and relieves false hunger pangs.

3. Eat an abundance of natural, unprocessed food. Your taste buds will soon adapt to the natural flavors of food, rather than craving the salty, sweet, or chemical tastes in processed foods.

4. Keep tempting foods out of sight & out of reach.

5. Remind yourself that your goal is good health for yourself and your family. Everything you eat and drink should contribute to that goal.

6. Understand your emotional eating triggers and find ways to avoid the situations or people that are causing them.

Tell us about how YOU overcome temptation. Which of these tips work for you? #6 is the biggest issue for many people. How do you deal with YOUR emotional eating triggers?

Please post your comments, questions or advice so that we can all learn from each other.


  1. Being prepared is so important. If you already have your healthy snacks with you, you won't have to worry about finding them on the road, in the office, etc. If you know you always crave sweets (like me), make sure to have some fruit with you. Also think about calories likes money. I know I want to get the most value for my dollar when I purchase things. When you reach for empty calories, you are wasting your limited funds on foods that have no value to your body and can actually be damaging to your health.

  2. For emotional triggers - try to keep a journal nearby and if something upsets you, write about it. By the time you have vented on paper, the craving may have gone away.

  3. I love food. I eat when I’m happy, sad, stressed, and bored. For a food lover like myself, the number one thing that has helped me overcome my temptations has been to focus on the end result. I am constantly reminding myself of my ultimate goal. I became my own motivator. I have messages on my calendar, notes in my wallet, on my desk, and I’ve even bought jeans that are a few sizes too small. Each morning that I go to bootcamp is a reminder as well. I’ve become super excited about my goal and I’ve allowed my excitement to overcome my love food.

  4. Eating out has always been my biggest issue. I am really good with stocking up my refrigerator with healthy foods but when I go out in a social environment I seem to consume more calories then I should. A strategy I use to avoid these situations is to plan lunch dates and dinner dates with my friends in advance; therefore, I already know to consume less during the day and plan in my mind what I am going to order and check the calories on I also limit myself to eating out once for lunch and once for dinner per week.

  5. Gayane, awesome comments! Thanks for sharing your tips on overcoming temptations and the ways that you keep yourself motivated. We really like the way you limit yourself to eating out once a week for lunch & once a week for dinner. As we all know, restaurant food is almost always going to be very high in calories, fat & sodium, so planning exactly which meals you'll eat out is a great idea.
