Friday, March 30, 2012

AAY! Online Nutrition Tracking

The AAY! Online Nutrition Tracking Program is an inexpensive and effective tool to help you achieve your nutrition and/or weight loss goals.

This program is for everyone: whether you want to lose weight, increase your energy & stamina, or just stay healthy.

The program will calculate the number of calories you need to
consume per day to achieve or maintain your goal weight. It will also calculate & track all of the nutrients in your food so that you'll know if you're eating a balanced diet.

Here are some of the main reasons we love this program:

1. Instant feedback: As soon as you type in an ingredient, you can see how it affects your calories, macronutrients (carbs, protein, fat) and micronutrients (vitamins & minerals).

2. Suggestions:
If you are low in a specific nutrient, it will suggest foods (based on your food preferences) that will provide that nutrient.

3. Education:
If you have questions about any nutrient, you have access to a "learning center" that tells you everything you would want to know about it.

4. Planning:
You can either create your own meal plan OR you can choose from thousands of meal plans that are in your calorie range and that provide all your nutrients. You can modify any meal plan based on your preferences.

5. Custom foods:
If you eat something that is not in the database, you can create your own custom food and food label.

6. Saves money:
You won't need to spend money on dietary supplements because you can be sure you're getting the nutrients you need from your food.

7. Saves time: Plan your meals ahead of time and print out a "shopping list" of everything that's on your menu for the week! You can also create "recipes" of the foods you eat together (for example, cereal + milk). Just enter the recipe into your meal plan and you won't need to enter each item individually.

Watch the DEMO and then contact us to receive your access code for a complimentary 7-day trial account.
Then, if you'd like to use the program on an ongoing basis, it is just $10 per month.

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