Thursday, June 19, 2014

Healthy Weight Loss

Long-term weight loss comes from making healthy choices on a daily basis. These choices become habits, and good habits become the foundation for a healthy lifestyle. 

Below is information on weight loss to help you make healthier choices so you can get the results you want, that will last beyond swimsuit season.

  • To lose one pound of fat, you must burn 3,500 more calories than you consume. The safest & most permanent rate at which to lose weight is one pound per week. (500 calories x 7 days a week = 3,500 calories) 

Preparation will force you to stay on track and make the right decisions to reach your weight loss goals. 
  • Plan your menus and prepare your meals/snacks.
  • Don’t journal after you eat – journal before you eat.  

Letting yourself get too hungry leads to feelings of deprivation, temptation & failure. 
  • Eat a variety of whole, healthful, low-calorie foods in the right portions and at the right times so that you’ll feel satisfied, alert, energetic & positive while you lose weight. 
  • Make every calorie count. Make sure nearly everything you put in your body is filled with nutrients. 
  • You can have your favorite treats, but limit them to once or twice week.

Not only do you blast away calories while you're exercising, but you continue to burn a higher number of calories for up to an hour after you've finished your workout! 
  • Boost your daily calorie burn with cardio.
  • Increase your muscle mass by strength training. Your muscle is your "fat-burning machinery."
  • Muscle is active tissue, and requires many more calories on a daily basis than fat does.

You need at least 8 cups of water daily and more when exercising.
  • All chemical processes in your body require water.
  • Keep yourself hydrated to keep your metabolism working strong.
  • Avoid beverages with calories: alcohol, juice, soft drinks. (Avoid artificially sweetened soft drinks, too. Even though they have no calories, they are toxic to your body and they lead to sweet cravings.) 

In order for your metabolism to function properly, your body needs enough sleep each night to repair itself.
  • If you get less than 7 hours of sleep per night, hormones that make you hungrier are increased and hormones that make you feel satisfied are decreased. 
  • When you miss out on sleep, it's important to make sure you make up for it on another night, with a nap or on the weekend. 

A partner, friend, family member, or AAY! trainers and members can all be of great support. There is no reason to "go it alone." We all need someone to lean on at times.
  • Make a measurement appointment so we can discuss your goals and hold you accountable.
  • Consider joining our next AAY! Nutrition Program, you'll receive help to implement healthier habits under the guidance of a Nutritionist. 

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