Thursday, July 24, 2014

Artificial Sweeteners

The American Heart Association recommends that we limit our intake of added sugars to 100 calories per day for women and 150 calories per day for men.

In an effort to save calories, many people turn to artificial sweeteners like Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal) and Sucralose (Splenda). 

It’s really not worth it to ‘save’ a few calories, because artificial sweeteners actually increase your appetite, stimulate your sweet tooth & lead to overindulging in other foods. More importantly, they are not healthy substances to put in your body!
    The best way to get your sweets is with fresh fruit. It's delicious, naturally low in calories, and high in vitamins, minerals & fiber.
    You can also try some natural sweeteners. Because they are lower on the glycemic index than refined sugar, they are slightly better for you when used in moderation. (Used in excess, they will cause the same problems as sugar.)
      Natural sweeteners include:
      • Agave nectar
      • Barley malt
      • Coconut sugar
      • Date sugar
      • Honey
      • Maple syrup
      • Molasses
      • Rice syrup
      • Stevia
      • Turbinado sugar

      THE BOTTOM LINE: It's not worth it! Don't pour toxins into your body just to save a few calories. If you want something sweet, your first choice should be fruit.

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