Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Water is Always the Best Choice

Water is an essential component of life & health. Your body is made up almost 75% water and nearly every single cell in your body needs water to function properly. 

When you exercise you need to drink more to replenish the fluids you lose through sweat. Listen to your body to know how much water you need, but we recommend at least 64 ounces per day. 

  • Some great, calorie-free ways to add flavor to your water: Add fresh lemon, lime, orange, mint, cucumbers, fresh or frozen berries, etc., mineral water, herbal teas (hot or cold). 

You may think you’re staying hydrated by consuming any type of beverage throughout the day, but the best beverage choice is always water. Here's why:

  • All juice, even 100% fruit juice, is high in sugar & calories. Plus, juice doesn't contain the fruit's fiber.
  • If you are craving a smoothie, it is much better to make your own with nonfat yogurt & frozen fruit. Store-bought smoothies are usually not a good choice since most of them contain more than 500 calories! 

  • In an attempt to cut calories, many people turn to Diet Soda. They assume it is a good beverage choice because it fills you up with no calories.
  • However, many studies have actually linked the metabolic effect of diet soda to weight gain! 

  • One cup of coffee, black tea or green tea in the morning is fine. It's ok to drink in moderation, however, we advise against drinking multiple cups of caffeinated beverages throughout the day. 
  • Caffeine causes an energy spike and then crash, which can make you crave sugar & other carbohydrates. It also raises stress hormones in the body that can lead to fat storage. 
  • If you currently drink multiple cups of coffee throughout the day, cut down slowly. Have your morning cup as usual, but then try replacing the rest of your coffee with herbal tea or iced water.

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