Friday, March 28, 2014

Boost Your Metabolism!

Many people believe a slow metabolism is an inevitable consequence of aging, when in reality, good lifestyle choices can keep your metabolism strong & healthy throughout your life.

Here are five choices YOU can make to boost your metabolism, plus the most important thing to avoid:

Going many hours without food in your system makes your body go into "starvation mode” and your metabolism will slow down to conserve energy. 

Increase your muscle mass by strength training. Muscle is active tissue, and requires many more calories on a daily basis than fat does. The more muscle on your body, the more calories you burn per day, every day!

Not only do you blast away calories while you're exercising, but you continue to burn a higher number of calories for up to an hour after you've finished your workout!

Keep your metabolism stimulated by eating small portions throughout the day. Research shows that people who eat every 2 to 3 hours have less body fat and faster metabolisms than those who eat only two or three meals per day.

Drink at least 8 cups of water daily.  All chemical processes in your body require water. Keep yourself hydrated to keep your metabolism working strong.

And, the most important thing to avoid – Yo-Yo Dieting!

When you lose weight quickly, you lose muscle along with fat.  When you gain it back, you gain back only fat. With less muscle on your body, you will burn fewer calories every day.

After months, years or decades of yo-yo dieting, you can severely lower you metabolism and find it increasingly difficult to lose weight or to maintain a healthy weight. 

BOTTOM LINE: Put into practice lifestyle choices that boost your metabolism and be patient!  It take time to lower your metabolism, so it will take time to speed it up.

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